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Taking Back Your Life

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Do you feel like you are a slave to your home based business? Are you working seven days a week, with many of those days being 10 – 12 hour work days? If your answer is "yes", you are not alone. This seems to be the syndrome that many home based business owners fall into.

One of the downfalls in running a home-based business is that many individuals are not able to break away as they would if they worked outside the home. It is too easy to walk by your office, pop in for what you anticipate will be a quick five minutes, and end up coming back out of your office an hour or two later. When your office is in the home, the hours can blur together, and, if you are not careful, your business will consume you.


There are two very simple ways to overcome this problem. First, you need to set a schedule as you would for a job outside the home. Allow yourself only so many hours during the day to run your business, and stick to it. Just as you would have regular office hours when working outside the home, you need to create work hours for your home based business. Working at home allows you the flexibility to decide what hours they will be, but be fair to yourself and your family by sticking to your plan.

Second, prioritize your work every day with your "to do" list. Make sure that the most critical jobs and tasks that need to get done are at the top of the list. That way you are sure to hit those deadlines and feel better at the end of the day knowing that you have not left an important project unfinished. And you will not feel the pull to get back into your office every time you walk by during your non-working hours that you have set in place.

For most of home business owners, the reason we have chosen to work at home is because we want to be home with our children and there to meet the needs of the family. If you let your business take up too much of your time and energy, you are defeating the purpose of your original goal.

Take back your life. Allow yourself the freedom to be the parent, spouse, and friend that you need to be. Your business is important, but so are you. Don’t lose sight of what is truly valuable during our short time at home with our children. What you don’t get done today will still be there tomorrow.


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Biting Off More Than I Can Chew, What’s a WAHM To Do?

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Do you ever start a project and about mid way through it say… "What in the world was I thinking?"

I found myself in that predicament awhile ago. One of our sites was in need of a redesign for a long time… for many reasons – the main reason being the Content Management System we were using. It was not url friendly and did not mesh well with SEO. I searched and searched and just could not find one that gave me the kind of control that I needed or wanted.


All were too limiting so I made the decision to go back to html and shml pages to manage the content and pages of the site as opposed to a CMS. And considering that the site had close to 1500 pages, this was a major undertaking.

I had a very large job in front of me, something that actually could take up to two people doing this full time for two weeks to complete. And, as a typical WAHM (work at home mom), I don’t have a staff of two extra people to dedicate an entire week’s worth of their work time to do this. (Most of my staff are contracted employees) Nor, could I afford to pay two people for full time HTML coding, when I am the only one budgeted for HTML code work.

My solution was to divide and conquer. Instead of getting overly frustrated and to the point of giving up before the entire project was done, which, in the past I have done and regretted it…. I divided the project up into many parts and only completed a certain amount of the project each day. I made sure that I also stepped away to work on other projects. This not only kept me from getting burned out on the existing job, but it allowed me come back to the large task at hand with fresh eyes.

I was able to hire a couple people part time to do a part of the project that didn’t require any special training or knowledge of html to do.

If you have a large project, before you start, make a game plan and try your best to stick to it. If you piece it out and spread it out over several days or weeks (depending on what the project is and time line required to finish), subcontract out what you can afford, if necessary, you’ll find that it will be much more doable and won’t be as unmanageable as you may have thought.


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Not Everyone Will Want What You Are Selling

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Over the years, while working with work at home moms and dads who are home based business owners, I have noticed their unrealistic ideas as to how their business should grow. Many expect overnight success and many expect that everyone else should have the same interest level in the type of business they are involved in as they do.

When you are in a home business, no matter what it is, you need to realize that not everyone is going to be as excited about what you do as you are. Everyone has different interests, different goals, and different likes and dislikes.

Just because YOU love home decor, healthcare, candles, internet marketing, toys or scrapbooking (or any other type of product/service) does NOT mean that everyone else is going to be jumping at the opportunity to get involved with you. Your passion for the products/services you represent is not going to be the same passion as a majority of the people that you encounter. Whether you are actually selling products, or trying to grow a team with a direct sales company, you NEED to realize that building a business takes time and it takes time to find the right people to connect with.

If someone is looking for a business opportunity to get involved in, they will be taking many aspects of a business into consideration with the type of product or service being ONLY one part in their decision making process. They will be looking also at:

1. Pricing of the product; if the cost is too much more than similar products in a store, this will effect their decision.

2. Company policies; if the company has too many strict policies on advertising, high quotas or bad policies on returns, this will also affect their decision.

3. Commission structure; if commission structure is too low, where someone can barely make an income after all their costs are deducted, again, this will affect their decision.

4. Materials and training costs; this is also a major concern for someone looking at a home business. They will be looking at the ongoing costs of staying involved which can include: cost of catalogs, paperwork, company website, business cards, sample kits and extra product etc.

5. Cost to get involved; this may be the number one issue that someone looks at when making a decision on starting a business. While YOU may have been able to afford to join, the cost may be too high to someone else. Not everyone has the same amount of funds available to them in order to start a business.

So, as you seek to grow your business, be sure that YOU are taking a reality check and understanding that the reason there are literally 1000’s of businesses to get involved with is because there are so many different qualifications that an individual takes into consideration when embarking on their work at home business search.


Cyndi Webb is the Founder and President of Moms Network – an organization dedicated to the promotion and success of Moms in business. Since 1997 she has promoted and worked with thousands of work at home moms in coaching and guiding them in how to help grow their businesses. Over the years Moms Network has evolved to include more than 15 websites offering free resources to moms from all walks of life, the Connecting @ Home print magazine and the annual Celebrating Moms Expo which attracts thousands of moms in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Cyndi makes her home in Minnesota with her husband and two children.

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