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Open Mindedness?

admin Posted in I'm Just Sayin 2 Comments »

I find it funny that many people who ask and tell others to be open-minded are some of the most close-minded people there are.  What they really mean to say is “be open-minded so that you can see and accept MY point of view because mine is the RIGHT one.”

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For Moms at Home

admin Posted in I'm Just Sayin, Work at Home 18 Comments »

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Work at Home Moms and Their Bad Rap?

admin Posted in I'm Just Sayin, Work at Home Comments Off on Work at Home Moms and Their Bad Rap?


Beware, this is a tad controversial.
And I’m sure many readers may not like what I am going to say. It may even upset
some, but I am guessing the people that get upset, are most likely the ones that
are guilty of what I am writing about. It is about an issue that I feel needs to
be addressed based on the conversations over the last few years with many work
at home moms. These moms in business have become frustrated by how other work at
home moms can seem to indirectly affect their business.

Unfortunately, many work at home moms seem to fail to realize that they are
business owners, and thus should be acting like business owners. Those who do
not, have continued to give the term "Work at Home Mom" a bad rap.

Let’s admit it… the label of being a "Woman Entrepreneur" who works out of her
home gets allot more respect than the label "Work at Home Mom". Sad, but true.
Part of the reason is that a stereotype for "moms" who run a business already
exists, but much of this train of thought is largely due to what others have
seen or experienced from a work at home mom. I cannot tell you how many people
over the years have commented on how "work at home moms" are not "real" business
owners. This being based on what they have personally witnessed or experienced
in their interaction with work at home moms.

When you own a business, no matter how big or small, there are rules, behavior
AND ethics that you need to adhere to. I have been dumbfounded at times with the
behavior, dishonesty, lack of responsibility and lack of character displayed by
some work at home moms. Being a work at home mom doesn’t give you the right to
take short cuts, shun a responsibility or commitment and doesn’t give you the
right to receive special treatment or freebies just because you are a mom in
business. Then there are the basic "do’s and don’ts" that should be incorporated
into the way you conduct yourselves with others in business.

Yes, we all have made mistakes, honest mistakes in fact. As long as those
mistakes are addressed honestly and upfront, there can typically be a workable
remedy to these. There is a big difference between an honest mistake and an act
of what you know to be wrong. Take an honest look at yourself and ask if you
have done any of the following, knowing full well you are doing it.

* not taking responsibility for your actions or choices
* operating your business and responding to situations with emotions
* not paying money due to individuals or companies
* blaming others for your lack of success or knowledge
* claiming ignorance in situations to try to get out of them
* dressing inappropriately for meetings or events
* being rude and unprofessional in email or phone correspondence
* bringing your personal life into your business
* not delivering product that someone has ordered
* creating lies to cover your mistakes or lack of following through on your word
* participating in gossip about other business owners
* embellishing the facts about your products or business to gain more business
* expecting free services, products, discounts or not having to pay a bill
because you are a "work at home mom"

If you are going to be a mom in business, even if it may just be part time or a
hobby for you, you have to act like a business owner. It’s time to buck up, grow
up, suck it in, and decide that you will do YOUR best to do what you KNOW is


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