admin Posted in Doing Business Online, Work at Home Comments Off on Fine Tune Those Ethics
Is there something you are doing in your business endeavors that causes you to pause and wonder, "Should I be doing this?" or "Is this right to do?" If so, then you are more than likely engaged in behavior that is a bit questionable and need to listen carefully to your inner voice.
Many times people will get caught up with the desire of success, whether it is; to have the highest volume in sales, the most traffic to their website, or wanting to look better than a competitor. When these feelings of greed, envy and power take over, beware. It is at this time you need to be the most honest with yourself and take inventory on how you are conducting your business.
Remember that old saying "what goes around comes around", and even though things may appear "rosy" now, there may be times ahead where you reap the consequences for your current behavior. Play it smart and always use integrity in your actions and words. Be consistent in doing business the honest way.
Ask yourself the following questions and see how you measure up:
Am I using copyrighted or licensed material without permission? (this includes both large company’s and small company’s material that you may be using)
Am I putting down others and their services to try to gain more business and look better than my competition?
Am I original in my ideas or do I copy what others are doing to get ahead?
Am I truthful to my clients, peers and other companies I do business with?
Am I being responsible and paying my bills?
Am I keeping my word and abiding by written contracts I’ve signed?
Think twice before making a decision, especially if you have questioning thoughts. There are eyes upon you and your business at all times. You never know who is watching and the reach that they may have in the ability to hurt or help your business. You have either everything to gain or everything to lose by the manner in which you do business. The choice is yours. |
Cyndi Webb is the Founder and President of
Moms Network – an organization dedicated to the promotion and success of Moms in business. Since 1997 she has promoted and worked with thousands of work at home moms in coaching and guiding them in how to help grow their businesses. Over the years Moms Network has evolved to include more than 20 websites offering free resources to moms from all walks of life. Cyndi makes her home in Minnesota with her husband and two children. |
admin Posted in Doing Business Online, Work at Home Comments Off on Where Has All the Originality Gone?
As time goes on, the internet seems to be turning into a large field of "sameness". Fresh, new ideas and concepts are quickly snapped up by competitors who want to ride on the coattails of success of similar companies. These actions of copy cat behavior are not limited only to the internet, but the internet has made it very easy for individuals to take advantage of someone’s hard work in order to create a business for themselves.
I know a large number of small business owners who spent years perfecting a business, creating a unique company after much planning and research, only to have someone come by and take all they have created and put up their own "shop" sign without any of the hard work. |
Some have tried to be deceptive, ordering product from a company, to see exactly how things are done, and then attempt to duplicate the concept. Not only is this lazy, but in my opinion, ethically wrong. And….these people are typically found out which only hurts them in the long run.
If you want to work from home, and start your own home grown business, be creative! Be an individual and come up with some original ideas and concepts. While there may be many a business that has similarities, do not blatantly copy what obviously is a business born from originality, creativity and uniqueness. If you do see an idea by another home based business owner that you think is interesting and something that you could see yourself doing, be on the up and up and contact that individual. Let them know that you find their business model and idea something that you’d like to create in your own area. Ask if they’d be willing to share ideas and resources. Offer to pay for this sort of consultation as opposed to expecting that you can receive this information and direction for free. If they are open to this – great, if not – then you need to decide if you want to move forward with this similar business. If so, make sure that you are putting your own creative twists to the idea and making it your own.
Believe in yourself and what you can create and call your own. You will feel better about yourself and see greater success overall.
admin Posted in Doing Business Online, Family, I'm Just Sayin, Snippets of Success, Work at Home 2 Comments »
In my dictionary, success isn’t
about accumulating "more". Ie: More money, more things, more
awards, more kudos. Success is a state of heart, a state of
mind… a feeling of being content with who you are, what you
are doing and how your life and actions touch others around you. |
Cyndi Webb is the Founder and President of
Moms Network – an organization dedicated to the promotion and success of Moms in business. Since 1997
she has promoted and worked with thousands of work at home moms in
coaching and guiding them in how to help grow their businesses. Over the
years Moms Network has evolved to include more than 20 websites offering
free resources to moms from all walks of life. Cyndi makes her home in
Minnesota with her husband and two children. |