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Five Easy Garment Repairs You Can Do At Home

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When it comes to life hacks and ways to be thrifty, one way you can save money is to learn how to fix clothing items yourself. We all have that favourite item of clothing, something that we always go back to but that one day will start to fall apart. Or that new jacket with the broken zipper, the trousers that need hemming or a dress with a busted seam. If this is you, then you might be surprised at how easy it is to perform simple repairs yourself. Not only will this save on the costs of replacing the items or paying for a tailoring service, but it can also lead to a nice little hobby for yourself or even be the start of a new business venture. Nowadays, people are a lot more aware of sustainability and rejecting the throw away culture of the past, so the ‘make do and mend’ culture is gaining popularity.

Here are some simple ways you can look after your clothing and effect simple repairs:

  1. Repair a bra underwire

We all have that old faithful lurking in our underwear drawer, the go-to bra that never lets us down. However, if it’s underwired, then a sharp dig in the ribs is usually the first sign that the wire has come through the fabric. However, don’t despair, according to plus size shapewear specialist Elle Courbee, this can easily be repaired by pushing the wire back through and stitching the tear. If the tear is too frayed, you can make a patch using moleskin– simply cut an inch-long length and secure it over the hole. For extra durability, the patch can be stitched onto the casing. Use some glue or clear nail varnish to seal down the ends of the thread, to prevent uncomfortable chaffing.

  1. Hemming trousers

Rather than rush to a seamstress or tailor, this is really easy to do at home. You only need scissors, pins, a measuring tape and ruler, an iron and a needle and thread. You don’t even need a sewing machine, although this would obviously expedite the process. Simply follow these steps:

  • Measure your trouser length carefully, making sure you have the correct length and that both trouser legs are cuffed to the exact same length.
  • Pin both cuffs in place
  • Use a hot iron to make a crease at the fold where the trousers are to be cuffed
  • Sew the hem in place using blind stitch – either by hand or using a sewing machine

If you’re using tape, cut the correct length and remove any backing. Place the tape, then press down on it to fuse the cuff in place. However, iron-on tape usually works better, and can simply be placed inside the fabric of the cuff and ironed on using a hot iron, with no steam. Make sure you place a thin cloth over the trouser leg while using the iron. After ironing a section, lift the cuff to ensure it’s held in place before moving on.

  1. Mend a hole or tear

Iron-on patches are the go-to haberdashery items for all busy Moms out there. These are great for speedy repairs of ripped and snagged clothing. Simply turn the garment inside out, cut the iron-on patch to cover the tear – allowing a few extra millimetres for bonding on to the fabric, and use an iron (without steam) to set the patch in place. Again, when using an iron to secure fixing tape/patches, make sure you protect the fabric using a thin cloth.

  1. Repairing a zipper

Let’s face it, zippers were an amazing invention. But when they break, as opposed to buttons that easily be sewn back on, most people won’t attempt a repair and the clothing gets thrown in the trash. Some items will require a whole zip replacement, which is possible at home, following these steps. However, if it’s simply a case that the slider’s stopped working, then the fix is actually fairly straightforward:

  • using pliers, remove the stop from the top of the zipper
  • remove the slider
  • replace with a new slider (parts can easily be sourced from Amazon)
  • attach a new stop using pliers
  1. How to repair a snag in knitwear

This is a really simple and straightforward repair, but must be done as soon as possible after the item has snagged, to prevent further damage to the garment:

  • pull a threaded needle through the loop of the snag
  • tie a knot through the loop of the snag
  • using a needle, push the snag through to the inside
  • turn the garment inside out
  • make sure the snag is pulled through completely
  • tie a double knot at the base of the snag
  • trim away excess thread

Hope this article has given you the confidence to have a go at some simple mending. It’s really not that hard, and can save you time and money, as well as lead to your own business opportunity in what is becoming a boom industry.

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Better Ways to Satisfy That Sweets Craving

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spoonful of sugar


Satisfy That Sweets Craving

We all know sugar is bad for us. That horse has been ridden to death many times over. Sugar has no minerals, vitamins, or essential fats. It contains no proteins. All it gives us are empty calories that will stick to our waistlines, take forever to work off at the gym, and rot our teeth if we are not careful.

Another result of too much sugar? Rotting teeth from plaque that gathers between teeth and leads to decay. According to the site

Plaque is a naturally occurring matrix of minerals and bacteria that forms on teeth. As plaque builds up, bacteria accumulate. The bacteria eat starches and sugars, then create an acidic byproduct. Acid softens enamel, causing erosion, dental sensitivity, and allowing bacteria can invade and cause cavities.

Among other things, consuming too much sugar is a recipe for non-alcoholic liver disease. Eating more than the daily allowance for sugar can lead to insulin resistance in the body. This can further lead to diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Insulin is also key to regulating abnormal cell growth in the body. Scientists now believe that your insulin levels play a role in developing cancer.

But all this information is of little help in thwarting a sugar craving. So what can individuals do to satisfy their sugar tooth in healthier ways? We break it down.

Go dark with your chocolate.

Cutting back on sweets all at once can lead to a binge session sometime in your future. A better way for controlling your sweets craving? Give yourself what you want in small, measured doses so that you no longer are dealing with an out-of-control craving.

A good option here is a bar of dark chocolate that is at 70 to 85 percent cocoa. With such a high percentage of cocoa, you are getting 11 grams of fiber in a 100 gram bar. As well as scoring high marks for magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, and potassium. Dark chocolate is a terrific source of antioxidants. It has also been studied in relation to lowering cardiovascular disease risk.

Choose fruit.

Your body interprets all sugar the same. But some sources of sugar come with additional minerals and vitamins, making them a more favorable choice. Case in point: Fruit. Apples, oranges, and berries all come with fiber and are chockfull of the nutrients that you need in your diet. Fruit can satisfy a sugar craving just as well as a candy bar, with only a fraction of the sugar content.

Go through your house and get rid of all the junk candy and replace it with fresh fruit for you to nosh on the next time a craving hits.

Make sure you get 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night.

Do you notice a pattern with your sweets cravings? Do they typically hit at night when you are sleepy? Sugar is one of the quickest sources of energy for the body, which is often why you begin to crave sugar toward the end of the day.

Instead of that sugar high, which will keep you up, go to bed. Give your body what it really needs, versus what it wants in the moment. Quality sleep hours mean fewer midnight hours in the kitchen trying to resist temptation.

Fill up your tank (stomach) with water and real foods.

Drink the daily recommended amount of water. Make sure you hit all your macro nutrient levels for food. Doing these two things will keep your stomach full of what your body needs to perform at its peak. This will also keep cravings away because a full stomach is less likely to call for more foods to fill it. Besides, how many of us drink all the water we are supposed to per day?

The next time a sweets craving hits? Tell yourself to first drink a glass of water and check to see if you have eaten the daily required amount of protein, fiber, and calcium. Once you hit your requirements for those, then allow yourself a controlled portion of dark chocolate or fruit.

Walk it off!

Occasionally, a sweets craving will hit that has nothing to do with the body’s need for calories and more to do with boredom. Instead of looking at pictures of enticing foods on Tumblr or Instagram, take a walk instead. It will take your mind off of sweets and give you something to keep you occupied until the craving passes.

Additionally, being in and around nature in the outdoors reduces one’s stress levels and can help you feel calmer and more at peace. Being stressed out can often trigger sweet cravings, which is why taking that walk is good for you on many levels!

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Educational Presents for Children

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Educational Presents

Not only is it difficult getting the right gift for a child these days, but it can also be daunting to find one that is educational, too. There are a variety of toys and gadgets that might do nothing in the way of teaching the little one new things. However, there are also items that can help him or her learn better in school or just find out more about the things that make up our wonderful world.

To make it slightly easier for parents to make up their minds about what they should select for their kids, we have put together a list of products that might make great educational presents. Check them out below.

How about a microscope?

If you’re thinking of teaching your kid the basics of biology, a microscope might make just the right type of gift. Of course, you will have to keep the age of the child in mind so as to avoid getting devices that are simply far too complex to handle by a very young individual.

Nevertheless, a note must be made in relation to the design of some microscopes. While compound alternatives can be hefty and hard to work with, some choices are very easy to use. These are called USB microscopes, but in most cases, you’ll notice that they are, in fact, magnifiers, not real optical devices the same caliber as a microscope.

The neat thing about USB models, though, is that the market’s overflowing with some affordable alternatives, so if you do decide to pick one of these in the beginning, at least you’ll know you haven’t spent a fortune. Besides, you can never know whether you’ll manage to convince the little one to actually use the microscope, right?

Telescopes and the like

Other optical instruments that might make great gifts range from telescopes and monoculars to spotting scopes and binoculars. While some telescopes are primarily designed for astronomy purposes, the rest of the devices that we have mentioned should mostly be used for terrestrial viewing.

Consider the usefulness of each of these options. It’s true that some telescopes can be hefty and as such, might not be too easy to take to a field nearby your home so as to watch the stars without any light pollution. So, they might not be winners when it comes to portability.

By contrast, monoculars and binos can be used in most situations. If you’re planning a trip to a safari with the rest of your friends and family, you should consider getting a kids’ binocular for this purpose exactly. You won’t be able to use the same pair of binoculars that you might own already, and that’s because kids’ eyes are close-set and let’s face it, binos for adults are way too heavy to be held conveniently.

Stimulate their creativity

An educational present doesn’t necessarily have to be categorized as scientific in order for it to be truly useful. Perhaps the kid you’re looking to surprise is into painting, creating handmade jewelry, or even repairing things around the house. There are kits for all of these activities, so don’t hesitate to consider one if you see that the child is particularly interested in one of these pastimes.

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