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Why Buyers Love to Delay Buying

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Salespeople love to complain about buyers. One of the complaints salespeople share the most is that buyers never seem to make up their mind. Just about the time it looks like they’re going to make a buying decision, they suddenly hold off.

Yes, there are times when a buyer legitimately can’t make a decision. Many times, though, the delay is nothing more than a tactic on the part of the buyer to get a better deal.  This is especially true of professional buyers, who see numerous salespeople on a regular basis.  Why should anyone make a decision quickly if they don’t have to? More often than not, the buyers believe that by waiting, they will get a better deal. The salesperson will get scared and will think the only way to secure the sale is to offer a discount.  Buyers believe this because experience has shown them that it works!

Salespeople by nature are scared.  Don’t take offense to my observation, because I include myself in this profession as well.  We, unfortunately, can view things too quickly in a negative manner. For most salespeople, the way out of a situation like this is to immediately offer the buyer a price reduction.  This is exactly what the buyer wants!  They are looking for the salesperson to show some fear and some sense that the sale may not happen at all. Once the buyer smells fear, they know a better deal is about to appear.

This is also a key reason why many professional buyers love to ignore phone calls, emails and all other forms of communication from salespeople. Nothing can make a salesperson more scared than a buyer who doesn’t communicate with them.  If you’re a buyer, it’s hard to find any activities that can result in a higher return on investment than ignoring a salesperson or holding off on making a decision. These tactics usually result in saving money.

Now let’s look at this challenge from a salesperson’s perspective.  Salespeople love to close sales and they also love to close sales quickly, preferably with as little effort as possible.  But effort – particularly mental effort – can make the difference.  This is the ability to understand and rationalize objectively what is happening and what is not happening.  This means understanding why the buyer does need to buy from you and how what you’re selling will allow them to achieve their needs and objectives.  The more you can build this kind of objective thinking into your attitude, the better equipped you are to keep negativity at bay.  Negative thinking is the culprit that takes the biggest toll on a salesperson’s level of success.

As soon as the salesperson begins viewing the situation negatively and how the sale may not occur, it’s only natural for them to think the solution is to lower the price or offer something extra in the form of service.   When the salesperson does this, two things happen. First, it confirms in the buyer’s mind why the smart thing to do is to slow down the decision-making process. Second, it destroys profit margin for the salesperson.

While there are several techniques to counter these outcomes, there really is only one that is foundationally most important – the confidence of the salesperson.   If the salesperson is not confident, then every other tactic or strategy is useless and will have little effect. Everything starts with the salesperson.

Confidence begins with the total belief in your own skill set as a salesperson and total belief in your ability to help the buyer fill the needs they have.  If you don’t believe in both of these, then there is nothing else you can do to prevent the buyer from taking advantage of you by delaying their decision.  Buyers, especially professional buyers, can discern very quickly how confident a salesperson is. If they sense the salesperson is not confident, then they’ll delay their decision. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by doing so.

On the other hand, if you as the salesperson are determined to regularly and intentionally strengthen your own resolve and your own confidence, your natural reaction to stalling buyers will not be to cave under the pressure.  Your reflex will be to wholeheartedly believe in your product, your price and your potential to help the customer achieve their goals.

Are you going to let fear or confidence determine your future? The choice is yours, so choose wisely.  And profitably.


Mark Hunter, “The Sales Hunter,” helps individuals and companies identify better prospects, close more sales and profitably build more long-term customer relationships. Since 1998, he has consulted nationally and internationally with thousands of salespeople and global companies. You can follow his Sales Motivation Blog at You can also connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

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Business and Creativity: It’s Not Just for Artists!

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There are six distinct Perceptual Styles that characterize the ways the different people see the world. On the surface, some of these styles look more creative than others—but creativity is not a Perceptual Style quality, it’s a human quality.

Often, when we hear the word ‘creativity’ we think of artists and art in the broadest sense of the word—painting, sculpture, composing, writing, etc. But creativity is not limited to the artistic field, and entrepreneurs and other professionals do themselves a great disservice when they dismiss the notion that they have natural creative abilities.

One definition of creativity reads:

the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations

Using this definition we can find creativity in each of the six Perceptual Styles:

  1. Activity shuns repetition and routine and will create new ways to accomplish everyday tasks in order to keep them interesting. Rather than giving up on a project, the individual with the Activity Perceptual Style will approach it in multiple ways, trying different solutions until they find one that works for them.
  2. Adjustments creates complex systems that reflect the intricate and interconnected nature of their perceptual experience. Individuals with this Perceptual Style see the natural world around them as an elegant sort of clockwork. Therefore, their creative solutions will reflect and highlight unique ways of connecting systems that appear to others to have no connection at all.
  3. Flow also sees complexity, but within in the realm of human relationships. Individuals with the Flow Style create extraordinarily multifaceted communities that creatively build relationships, bonding others together using unusual and inexplicable common interests.
  4. Goals is a master at creating tactics that directly address the issues and problems at hand. Individuals with this Style have a form of creativity that is driven by their ability to turn mundane everyday tasks into an exciting form of competition.  With startling focus, they cut through all that is superfluous and drive to the heart of what needs to be done with relentless energy and endurance.
  5. Methods has an unusual form of creativity: reducing organization and regulation to new levels of simplicity. Individuals with this Style take what many see as the opposite of creativity—routine, stability, categorization, and predictable sequences—to a level beyond mere order, creating truly optimized systems. Their creativity lies in their ability to see through the complexity and chaos and make it intelligible to all.
  6. Vision creates images of possible futures that stir the passion and imagination of others. Individuals characterized by this Perceptual Style use their high energy to persuade others to join them and to draw out the best in each person by finding creative ways to challenge them. This style of creativity lies in the ability to see and make use of the best that others have to offer.

This list is by no means exhaustive or comprehensive. It is merely an exercise to demonstrate the different approaches to creativity that characterize each of the six Perceptual Styles. It may be true that you cannot paint a picture or compose a symphony, but broaden the meaning of the word and you’ll discover that you’re using your creativity every day in your business.


Lynda-Ross Vega: A partner at Vega Behavioral Consulting, Ltd., Lynda-Ross specializes in helping entrepreneurs and coaches build dynamite teams and systems that WORK. She is co-creator of Perceptual Style Theory, a revolutionary psychological assessment system that teaches people how to unleash their deepest potentials for success. For free information on how to succeed as an entrepreneur or coach, create a thriving business and build your bottom line doing more of what you love, visit

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3 Things I Did Right to Start Seeing Consistent Business Growth, Income and Success!

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Last year I hit a big financial milestone in my business.

Now, I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this because I want this for you, and I believe you can do it too.

Look, I made every mistake in the book (and probably even a few that aren’t in the book). I also probably started my business exactly the way you did — as a solopreneur.

In 1998 I started out as a freelancer copywriter, which basically meant I created a job for myself. The problem with that is because I was the one actually doing the work, the marketing part of my business was hit or miss (sound familiar?). I created a horrible feast/famine cycle for myself and that was my life for years.

It was 2005 that I finally decided I needed a different business model. The problem was I had no idea what it would look like or how to do it. Other writers were no help, they had the same business I had.

So after a lot of struggling and flailing around, I finally got it together and started generating the success and income I had always dreamed of.

So how did I do it? Here are the first 3 things. Next week I’ll have the rest and the last article I’ll cover (ahem) some of my mistakes.

1. Took Einstein’s quote to heart. As a reminder, it’s the quote that says “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

In December 2004, I made a horrible discovery. For some reason, I’m not sure why, I went through my Quickbook statements and started comparing how much I made each year. To my disgust, I discovered that I basically made the same amount of money each year ($40,000 to $50,000).

You see, over the years when I was in the “feast” cycle of my business, I would proudly tell people I was “growing” my business. Never mind the “famine” cycles were completely wiping out any gains from the “feast” cycle. I had also raised my rates over the years. And yet, nothing had changed. In fact, my best year was one of the years when my hourly rate was the lowest.

All of a sudden the realization hit me. I wasn’t growing a business. I had reached a plateau and I was stuck there.

At about the same time I saw the “Seinfeld” episode where George decides he doesn’t like his life right now (broke, jobless, living at home, no girlfriend) so he decides do it the opposite of what he always did. And it worked, by the end of the show he had a girlfriend and a job with the New York Yankees.

So I decided to also do the opposite. 2005 became the year I did the opposite of what I always did. Which leads me number 2.

2. Hire a coach or a mentor. Once I discovered that I was stuck, I realized that I probably needed some help getting unstuck.

You see, there are 2 issues going on. The first one is realizing you’re the reason why you’re in this situation in the first place. The second is actually doing something to change it.

And it’s not as easy as it sounds to change things. Your perspective on yourself, your thoughts, your actions, etc. are cloudy at best. Now there’s no question you can change things, but it’s a lot more difficult without someone to point things out to you.

There are also some other benefits to hiring a coach or a mentor for yourself. When you do, you’re telling yourself (and the universe) that you’re ready to take yourself seriously and do what it takes to be successful. You’re also saying you’re worth the investment. (Because that IS what you’re doing — you’re investing in yourself by getting coaching, mentoring and education from someone who has been there so you can get to where you want to go a lot faster and with fewer detours.)

Now you do need to make sure you hire the right coach or mentor — not all are created equal (I’ll talk about that more when I get to mistakes).

3. Make sure your business is the right entity for tax and legal purposes. I can tell you as soon as I incorporated, I felt like I actually had a business. There was something about going through that process that made me feel like I finally had a “grown up” business.

I’m not an expert on this, so what I would suggest is making an appointment with the experts (i.e. a CPA and an attorney) and discuss it with them.


Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) is your Ka-Ching! Marketing strategist and owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a copywriting and marketing agency.  She helps entrepreneurs become more successful at attracting more clients, selling more products and services and boosting their business.  To find out how she can help you take your business to the next level, visit her site at Copyright 2009 Michele Pariza Wacek.

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