Many larger companies have a policy in which employees cannot accept gifts that are over a certain dollar amount from their clients. And some companies do not allow any gifts to be received by employees. These are important policies to be aware of when it comes to you deciding on what to do for your customers during the holiday season. There are also policies that many companies have put in writing on gift giving TO their clients. Some don’t allow it at all, and others put a cap on the price to be spent per gift.
As a business owner, you need to come up with your own guidelines and stipulations to follow during the holidays. Most likely, you don’t have as much money to be spending on your clients as larger companies do. But remember that you don’t need to spend a large amount of money to be able to show your clients that you have appreciated their business throughout the year. This is really the reason why gifts and greetings are sent during the holidays. As a way of showing your appreciation to your clients.
If you are on a tight budget, send only a holiday card. This is what the majority of the larger companies do and nothing is wrong with you doing this. If you want to do a bit more, or be more personal, here are some other ideas:
1. Create your own small gift baskets (as simple as including
teas, cocoas, chocolates, bagged snacks).
2. Include a small gift from your business with your greeting
card (i.e. bookmark, calendar).
3. Send a gift certificate to a local restaurant or store.
4. Send a small plant.
5. Create a holiday gift mug with tea, coffee or hot chocolate.
Save yourself delivery fees and if you have time hand deliver
anything that is not a greeting card. Small acts are remembered!
You don’t need to send the same item to every client. There are
clients who have given you quite a bit of business throughout
the year and you may want to send them something extra special.
Bottom line is to remember to do something for your clients
during the holidays. You have the ability to offer a much more
personal touch and this is a wonderful time of the year to let
your customers know that you enjoy doing business with them
along with wishing them the best during the holiday season.