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Now You See Me, Now You Don’t – Mistakes of a Home Business Owner

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Over the last few years I have witnessed home business owners go about advertising their products and services in the wrong way or not at all. Not only are mistakes made in the ways that ads are written but, also, many people have unrealistic expectations of their advertising, especially when an ad campaign has not been put together properly in the first place.

Advertising is a natural part of growing and expanding your business. You cannot expect your business to grow to its utmost potential without some sort of advertising involved. This does not mean you need to break the bank to advertise.


You don’t need to use expensive advertising to promote your business and see results. But you do need to be smart in how you advertise and need to be realistic in what you are expecting for results. Most importantly, you need to be consistent and repetitive.

Many businesses fall into what I call the "now you see me, now you don’t" syndrome. This is a scenario I see which happens over and over with home business owners. They pull their ad after a one time or very short run in a newsletter, magazine, newspaper, direct mail, radio or website.

This is one of the largest mistakes a business owner can make; a mistake that happens with many new business owners and even some veterans. Studies show that a consumer needs to see your ad (product or service) anywhere from 6 to 12 times before making a purchasing decision. Not only does the repeat of your ad and company information give your company recognition with the consumer, it also gives your company creditability. All you need to do is put yourself in the consumer’s seat. If you saw an ad only once, from a company you have never heard of before, for a product that you might be interested in, would you make that purchase right then and there? Probably not. But when you see a product/ad over and over, you begin to recognize that company AND begin to subconsciously trust that company as one who is legitimate and who is successful.

Think about this: You are a subscriber to a magazine. You are reading through the current issue and notice a variety of ads. You spot one that perks your interest. You read it, and you go on to read the rest of the magazine. The following month you receive the next issue of the magazine. You read it and then you remember an of the company or all the information about the product. You assume it will be in this magazine as that is where you saw it in the first place. You can’t find it. You don’t have a copy of last month’s issue, so you forget about that ad and the company and the product you were a bit interested in. What does this mean? It means a lost sale to the company that only advertised in that one issue. A potential customer may not be ready to make that purchase when they first discover your product, but two or three months down the road, they ARE ready to purchase. If they can’t find you, there is no sale.

Learn from the example of one company’s very expensive mistake. An internet company decided to throw all their money into a one-time advertising shot during the Super Bowl. They hired extra people to man the phone center, expecting huge results. C’mon – this was the Super Bowl with millions upon millions of viewers! Guess what happened? The phone barely rang. They sat dumbfounded AND now broke. You cannot expect great results with a onetime shot at getting your word out, even when it is to millions of people.

Think of the big companies. How do you think they GOT to be big companies? Almost every company starts out as an idea of just one person or a handful of people. They grow and become successful from advertising and getting the word out about their products and services. Why do you think you know the names 3M, Fischer Price, Old Navy and so many more? It’s because you consistently and repetitively see their name and ads everywhere. No, not everyone wants to be the next 3M, but a company WILL not grow if you don’t advertise it. Word of mouth is great, but can and will only get you so much business. Networking is great, but again will get you limited business. You cannot solely depend on word of mouth and networking.

Advertising is essential for your business to grow, but it doesn’t have to make you go broke to do it. If you aren’t doing so already, you need to allow yourself an advertising budget. No matter how big or small, each month there should be money allotted for advertising. If you haven’t been including advertising in your budget up to now, it is best to save up for a few months to run a good campaign. While you are saving and putting money aside, you can do your research as to where you will be spending your advertising dollars. Always find your target market for your product or service. It makes no sense to advertise the baby products you sell to a readership of auto mechanics. Find advertising options that are affordable for the exposure you will get. While advertising in a large magazine sounds tempting for the exposure, if your ad is tucked away in the back, in very small print, it might not be that beneficial. While you could spend $1000 a month to have an ad in that large publication, you could find better exposure in a smaller publication for a lot less money and therefore reap better results. That $1000 could last for 6 to 10 issues in a smaller publication as opposed to just one issue in the large publication. Make your exposure last so you can gain the recognition and credibility that your company needs.

Do your research and plan ahead. If you are going to contact other advertisers from a publication you are interested in advertising in, be sure to ask them the following questions: How long did you run your ad? How large was your ad? (Size IS important as ads that are too small can be lost and if someone has a lot of information to put in a small ad, it may not bring good results) What type of product or service did you advertise? What kind of results were you looking for? (Again, an important question, and listen to their answer. They may have had unrealistic results themselves, hoping for quite a bit of sales from only one or two ads.) How were you tracking the ads from this publication? (Many people, in all reality, have no way of knowing HOW their ad has succeeded with certain places because the ad it too generic or does not have special coding for them to track where a sale is coming from.)

While the thought of paid advertising may frighten you, don’t let it. Yes, it is something that you do need to include in your business plan to grow your business but, if researched, planned, and executed properly, you will see results that you wouldn’t have dreamed to be possible. Maybe, and probably not immediately, but in the long run, your business will prevail and grow.


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Nice vs. Honest – A Woman’s Struggle

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Why is it that so many women have a hard time being "honest"? Honest in the sense that when a colleague or peer asks for advice on a task that they’ve done, an article they’ve written, or a new project they’ve created…. women will
tend to be "nice" as opposed to honest. Instead of giving them an honest response and critique, women many times will just say, "It’s wonderful", "It’s perfect’, or "I think you did a great job", when in reality they may think it needs a lot of improvement.

This is not to say that by giving your honest opinion you are being rude and putting down another person’s work. But if you are asked an opinion and you know that what has been created is something that will not enhance that person’s business or has mistakes – be honest in a caring and encouraging way. Point out the good ideas and qualities that you can see in their work and then make the suggestions as to how it can be better. If you are able or willing, offer to help them with the redesign of their project and idea.

We owe it to each other to be honest in the feedback we give. And we owe it to ourselves to not take critiques and constructive criticism personally but to be grateful that our friends and associates care enough for us to put our best foot forward. In the long run, this type of honesty helps all women business owners, as we all create better and more efficient businesses.

I have a very close friend in that neither of us holds back anything on our opinions of each other’s work and ideas. I thank God I have someone like that because she has been so helpful with her pair of eyes and providing a springboard for me. We both know and trust each other and would expect nothing but an honest opinion, even if it means throwing out an entire concept or project we had spent hours on creating.

So – keep asking for those opinions of others, and when asked for yours, tell the truth, in a way that you would want to hear it from others.


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Where Has All the Originality Gone?

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As time goes on, the internet seems to be turning into a large field of "sameness". Fresh, new ideas and concepts are quickly snapped up by competitors who want to ride on the coattails of success of similar companies. These actions of copy cat behavior are not limited only to the internet, but the internet has made it very easy for individuals to take advantage of someone’s hard work in order to create a business for themselves.

I know a large number of small business owners who spent years perfecting a business, creating a unique company after much planning and research, only to have someone come by and take all they have created and put up their own "shop" sign without any of the hard work.


Some have tried to be deceptive, ordering product from a company, to see exactly how things are done, and then attempt to duplicate the concept. Not only is this lazy, but in my opinion, ethically wrong. And….these people are typically found out which only hurts them in the long run.

If you want to work from home, and start your own home grown business, be creative! Be an individual and come up with some original ideas and concepts. While there may be many a business that has similarities, do not blatantly copy what obviously is a business born from originality, creativity and uniqueness. If you do see an idea by another home based business owner that you think is interesting and something that you could see yourself doing, be on the up and up and contact that individual. Let them know that you find their business model and idea something that you’d like to create in your own area. Ask if they’d be willing to share ideas and resources. Offer to pay for this sort of consultation as opposed to expecting that you can receive this information and direction for free. If they are open to this – great, if not – then you need to decide if you want to move forward with this similar business. If so, make sure that you are putting your own creative twists to the idea and making it your own.

Believe in yourself and what you can create and call your own. You will feel better about yourself and see greater success overall.


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