admin Posted in Products for Your Business, Work at Home 1 Comment »
Believe it or not, games at your home party can really make or break your show. They truly set the tone and atmosphere for what the rest of the show will be like. Never underestimate the power of a good game or two for breaking the ice and putting everyone at ease. Be yourself and have fun! The rest will take care of itself.
With more than 25 years experience in direct sales, we have collected over 100 party games so you won’t have to search anywhere else for those fun and unique ideas to get your parties off the ground. |
Here are two highlighted games to
Sly Game
Ask guests to write the name of two friends,
two relatives, two neighbors and two club members.
The first one finished wins a prize. Explain to
everyone else that their guest list is already made out for when they
decide to have a party. Is that sly or what?
Ask Me About My Job
For this game give tickets. Tell them they have 5 minutes to ask you
any questions they have about your business and for each question they
will get a ticket. This is best done after you have
presented your career opportunity to them.
Find more than 100 Home Party Game at Free Home Party Games |

admin Posted in Work at Home 5 Comments »
Whether its direct sales businesses such as Arbonne, Discovery Toys, Mary-Kay, Pampered Chef or a business we started from scratch, everyone struggles finding the right way to market their business. Many of us moms barely have time to think, let alone market our business. On the other hand, if you don’t market yourself, you won’t have a business to market.
Here are five steps to get you started.
1. Build a company profile
From a marketing perspective, we need to ask ourselves, what do I want the company to look like? This is one of the most important questions in business and it should be reexamined every six months to a year, even more often for start-up businesses. Concentration in a specifically defined market will actually bring the right kind of clients, rather than bringing headaches. We cannot be all things to all people. Know who you are and stick to it.
2. Think of the client first
Look at getting a new client like dating. In most cases on the first date, a person in not looking for a marriage proposal and if they are, turn and run. Most people are interested in getting to know the other person. Start looking at your initial business contacts the same way. By having similar interests with our clients, it gives us talking points. Common ground is vital to creating a lasting relationship – in business or in dating.
3. Develop a marketing strategy
Determine the format that will give you the best bang for our buck. Our marketing strategy is about having a multiple stream approach. Just issuing one direct mailer or one press release is not enough. Marketing tools and tactics must be implemented over and over again to see a return on our investment. It is important to be in front of your potential clients on a consistent and persistent basis. Turn those multiple streams into a rushing river to your business’ door.
4. Define a marketing calendar
This means giving our selves deadlines for completing the steps outlined in our marketing strategy. If the marketing strategy is not done yet, make that the first item on the list. By assigning a specific date to each task, it makes the task concrete and attainable.
5. Implementation
Now that the marketing strategy and calendar are complete it is time to get started. If you are now motivated to get the job done – great! If you are like most of us and not very
self-motivated to market your business, find a marketing partner that will hold you accountable. Meet with that person as often as you need to stay on track. Things change quickly in business and not meeting the deadlines in our marketing calendar will derail our efforts.
Follow each of these steps and things will begin to change for the better. Mastering marketing is about taking small steps on a daily basis and then watching our future business change drastically.
Kris Aoki is an Independent Consultant for Arbonne International as well as a marketing coach, writer and editor. Contact Kris at 303-868-3789, visit her website or email her

admin Posted in Family, Work at Home 2 Comments »
As things have been a bit crazy around our house since starting a home based business, I have been thinking how lucky and blessed that I am to have a husband who is supportive in my business endeavors. I hear time and time again from women that their spouses are not only unsupportive, but in fact they tease, taunt and try to make their wives feel like they are silly to even attempt a business. My heart goes out to these women, and it saddens me to hear stories like this.
It is difficult to pursue a dream when the person who is to be your closest friend and supporter acts just the opposite. I sometimes wonder why some spouses act this way, but will never fully understand. I can only assume a variety of reasons: jealousy, fear of change, feelings of neglect.
If you have a supportive spouse – be thankful and grateful and let them know you appreciate them. Many times my husband will help make it possible for me to have an uninterrupted work slot. He either leaves with our children to go on an outing or they play together in another area of the house. There has also been many times where he has put his own on hold if he knows I have a deadline to meet.
If you have a spouse who is less than enthusiastic about your business, sit down and have a heart to heart talk when it is just the two of you. Tell him how you feel and what you see happening. Find out why he feels or acts the way he does and tell him what you need from him. If he is not willing to work with you on this and be a supporter of you and your business, but at the same time tells you to do what you want with having your own business, it is time to find a friend to be your supporter. Running a business while managing a home and children to tend to is hard without the help and encouragement of someone close. If you can’t get that from your spouse, then seek out a close friend. She can be used as a sounding board, a cheerleader, and even as a baby-sitter at times when you need to focus on your business. Once your success begins to grow, that spouse of yours may see you in a new light and come on board as an avid supporter.
Don’t give up your dreams and what you see as an opportunity for success, simply because your spouse is not living up to your expectations in regards to your business. Try to find the alternatives that can make it work for you. |