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What Can a Family Law Attorney Do for You?

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Thinking about hiring a family law attorney? Wondering if it will be worth your while when there is so much else you need to get to? Don’t feel you have the time to do the research needed to find a trustworthy attorney?

According to The Law Offices of Miller & Steiert, P.C., a Denver family law attorney, they state, “We believe that the time you spend on contract review and estate planning in the present will save you, your business or your family from the cost and stress of going to court.”

So what can a family law attorney offer you? Here are some crucial times that having an attorney on speed dial is a good idea:

  1. Divorce and divorce proceedings.

When divorce is on the horizon, having someone you can trust and turn to becomes a top priority. Issues such as division of assets, child custody, and spousal support should be taken care of in a timely manner. And while you are going through the heartbreak of a divorce, shopping around for an attorney is the last thing you likely feel like doing. Finding an attorney you can trust takes time, research, and vetting. In the middle of a separation, you may be tempted to go with the first person who appears instead of finding a person that you connect with. And who you can trust to go the extra mile for you.

  1. Adoption and parental rights.

If you and your partner are considering adoption, one of the first moves you will want to make is that of finding a family lawyer. Adoption laws are complex and multilayered. One of the first steps in adoption is that of the birth parents giving up the legal rights to their child. The National Adoption Center states that there are many laws that may have an effect on the adoption process. Having an experienced attorney to help you navigate these laws is essential. It will smooth the way for the new member you want to welcome into your family.

Of course, adoption is not the only reason you may be seeking legal counsel. Due to trying circumstances, you may be considering giving up your parental rights. And this requires a lawyer you can trust to give you careful advice.

  1. Guardianship.

In the case of your death or in other dire circumstances, do you know who will take care of your children if you cannot? Failing to think this circumstance through could leave your children vulnerable. When parents do not appoint a guardian, and if there is no next of kin able to take responsibility, the children become the ward of the state.

Of course, not all children who become wards of the state have trying, stressful childhoods. But neither is their childhood one that you would have given to your children, if you had a say in the matter.

Appointing a guardian in the case of your death is a good move for all parents to make. Particularly if you wish to appoint someone who is not your next of kin. This will require drafting up documents with your family lawyer.

  1. A last will and testament.

Outside of appointing guardians for your children, you will want to create a will that provides for your children. If your children are still minors, then you will need to name someone who can manage your property until your children come of age. Creating a document that makes sure all contingencies are met and taken care of is vital to protecting your children. Gallup News reported that the majority of Americans do not have a will. This can create a trying circumstance for the loved ones you leave behind. And it can mean your estate is tied up in legal proceedings, when the matter could have been simplified and clarified if you had only made it a priority.

Hiring a family law attorney is a move that will protect you, your partner, your children, and those you love. Set aside time to research lawyers referred to you by friends and family. Read reviews, and get personal testimonials. The attorney you hire will be someone you will need to count on during difficult moments in your family’s life. So the decision should be made with care.

Choosing someone now, before you are confronted with a crisis, is a wise move to make. One that you will be thankful you made when you need your family lawyer during a crucial moment.

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6 Ways to Ensure Your Child’s Health No Matter What Season

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The school year and winter months are commonly thought to be a time when children are at heightened risks for illnesses. But your child can also come down with various forms of viral infections, colds or flus during the summer months. The following are 6 tips to help ensure a healthy child no matter what season.

Establish a Good Medical Relationship

As a parent, you’re responsible for the wellness and care of your child the moment you find out that you’re pregnant. After your child is born, you’ll also need to schedule regular appointments with your pediatrician. This allows the medical professional to check their weight, height and other growing requirements. A physician is also instrumental if your child becomes ill. In case of emergencies, it’s also important to locate the nearest emergency room services or urgent care. If or when the time comes that your child is in need of any medical assistance, you’ll have access to the right care without hesitation. You can help promote a positive relationship by finding someone you and your child trust and feel comfortable working with.

Clean Hands, Healthier Bodies

Young kids are prone to viral infections such as molluscumcontagiosum. Because children learn about life from touch the instant that they are babies, they could come in contact with germs and bacteria along their learning journey. While you don’t want to turn your child into a neurotic germ-a-phoebe, a guide to molluscum contagiosum prevents the viral infection from spreading. Get in the practice of teaching your child to wash their hands after going to the washroom and before they eat. If they come in contact with other sick children, a child should also be diligent about cleaning with soapy, warm water. To ensure they wash long enough, encourage them to sing the “Happy Birthday” or “Alphabet” song as the lather. When done, they’re ready to rinse.

Get in a Routine

Children don’t quite understand the benefits of a routine. A child would be happy to eat at whim and stay up late no matter how tired they may be. It’s your job to make sure your children are on a routine schedule. This includes eating meals and snacks, sleeping, learning and play time. You also want to include a solid health routine with immunizations, dental visits and other preventative care.

Maintain Good Eating Habits

If you’re interested in getting your child to practice good eating habits as adults, you want to adopt a healthy diet early on. You’ll find a host of informational literature, videos and social media posts spouting the benefits of nutritional fare. While this can be an educational tool in getting your child to maintain good eating habits, you want to actually show them by modeling this excellent behavior. Your child looks up to you and relies on you to be a good role model. If you eat junk food and fill your home with processed and sugar laden treats, they’ll make poor choices. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein. An occasional sweet treat is ok, but do so in moderation. Include your children in the food buying process. But you need to give them healthy choices to make. Instead of chips, show them the health benefits of eating an apple with peanut butter or a wedge of cheese and whole-grain crackers.

Put a Limit on Electronics

If you’re having a stressful day, and the children are equally restless, you may find placing them in front of the T.V. or other electronic devices easiest. But the stimulation could make it hard for them to fall asleep at night. Children need at least 11 hours of sleep nightly to help prevent infections, illnesses and diseases. The required rest also energizes their body to function and think properly. Limit the number of hours your child is in front of electronic devices each day. Promote outdoor activities instead such as biking, walking, baseball, swimming, basketball and soccer. Come up with your own fun games such as a water balloon toss or a scavenger hunt.

Excellent Oral Health is Equally Important

Routine medical visits are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your child’s health and wellness. You also want to find a dentist after your child’s first baby tooth comes through the gums. This practice puts them on an excellent oral health regimenof brushing, flossing and regular dentist visits. A healthy mouth also helps prevent infections, diseases and other illnesses from making your child sick.

Although your child may try to prove otherwise, kids are far from indestructible. As your child ventures out into the world, they may encounter, bruises, bumps colds and viruses along the way. You can do your part to keep your child healthy with the above 6 tips.

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Hidden Tips for a Disney Vacation

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Disney World—two words that have an instant appeal to anyone with children as well as the child within us. Many families make it a goal to try and see this theme park at least once (maybe even several times). But, many would-be park goers aren’t getting the most out of their stay. Here’s some valuable tips and knowledge that you can put into practice when putting together your next Disney trip.

What’s New At Disney?

If you’re planning a trip to Disney in 2017, you’re likely going to want to plan your trip around one date: May 27th. This is when one of the most anticipated attractions in the park’s recent history opens its doors, Pandora: World of Avatar. The largest expansion in the history of Animal Kingdom, this new area promises to bring to life the floating mountains and glowing rainforests of James Cameron’s sci-fi hit. Naturally, this will be bringing some huge lines for the next year or so. Don’t be afraid to visit, just plan wisely (more on that later)

One thing that may not be on your radar but is worth looking into is Disney Springs. Formerly known as Downtown Disney, this dining and entertainment area officially finishes construction this year. Get ready for some great new restaurants like The Edison, The Boathouse, Jock Lindsay’s Hangar Bar, Morimoto Asia, and more.

Planning Wisely

Rather than suggesting the best time to visit Disney, we should lay out times where you generally want to avoid booking your trip. While it’s tempting to take advantage of those week-long breaks, especially if you have children, you’re generally asking for trouble. Naturally, it’s because anyone else with kids has the same idea! By the same token, summer has the same big crowds along with hot and humid weather.

In general, fall and Christmas make for a great combination of lower crowds, more agreeable weather, as well as some great events. These include the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot in September. Another top event is Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party in early December. If you don’t have many opportunities to go to Disney, the holiday season is a great choice.

While it may not sound very fun, if you’re a first-time visitor, it pays to do your homework. If you have a family, take the time and sit down with your kids to try and see what type of rides they want to see the most. Don’t feel that you need to plan everything down, but a basic set of priorities will make things much easier for you later.

When you’re in the park proper, many use Fastpass to try and save time on the rides, but using this resource properly will help you in the long run. Take the time to look at the tip board in each park to see what the current waits are for each ride. Some of your Fastpass options generally have little wait, so try to avoid blowing your uses of this system when you don’t need it. Cueing up as single riders, even if you are a group, can cut down on your wait time as well.

Disney Fun Without A Massive Bill

One of the biggest things you need to figure out is where you are going to stay. Racing to the bottom when it comes to prices may seem like a viable strategy, but there are a few things to consider. First, there is the convenience factor (how close you are to the park). Keep in mind what food options you have available nearby. Where you stay is much more than where you lay your head after a long night out.

While you may be skeptical of using a resort package, these provide comfort and convenience without breaking the bank. This is especially the case at Disney, which is well known for its resorts. Learn more about the different vacation packages from Westgate Reservations at Here are some benefits that you can get by using one of these packages.

  • The spacious accommodations mean that you can get a suite or villa with enough room for large groups.
  • Avoid parking fees with complimentary shuttle service.
  • There is just as much entertainment at the resorts as at the parks themselves. This makes for a good fallback if the weather is rough.
  • Pet-friendly rooms for those who want to bring their furry friends.
  • Plenty of dining options on the premises. This means that you don’t have to worry about working dinner or any other meal into your plans.

From what you do to where you stay to how you save, a Disney vacation is prime for lifelong memories. Note that you can start it off on the right foot before you leave home. Use some of the insight from this article to help you guide on those essential planning moments—just don’t forget to enjoy yourself.

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