Thinking about hiring a family law attorney? Wondering if it will be worth your while when there is so much else you need to get to? Don’t feel you have the time to do the research needed to find a trustworthy attorney?
According to The Law Offices of Miller & Steiert, P.C., a Denver family law attorney, they state, “We believe that the time you spend on contract review and estate planning in the present will save you, your business or your family from the cost and stress of going to court.”
So what can a family law attorney offer you? Here are some crucial times that having an attorney on speed dial is a good idea:
- Divorce and divorce proceedings.
When divorce is on the horizon, having someone you can trust and turn to becomes a top priority. Issues such as division of assets, child custody, and spousal support should be taken care of in a timely manner. And while you are going through the heartbreak of a divorce, shopping around for an attorney is the last thing you likely feel like doing. Finding an attorney you can trust takes time, research, and vetting. In the middle of a separation, you may be tempted to go with the first person who appears instead of finding a person that you connect with. And who you can trust to go the extra mile for you.
- Adoption and parental rights.
If you and your partner are considering adoption, one of the first moves you will want to make is that of finding a family lawyer. Adoption laws are complex and multilayered. One of the first steps in adoption is that of the birth parents giving up the legal rights to their child. The National Adoption Center states that there are many laws that may have an effect on the adoption process. Having an experienced attorney to help you navigate these laws is essential. It will smooth the way for the new member you want to welcome into your family.
Of course, adoption is not the only reason you may be seeking legal counsel. Due to trying circumstances, you may be considering giving up your parental rights. And this requires a lawyer you can trust to give you careful advice.
- Guardianship.
In the case of your death or in other dire circumstances, do you know who will take care of your children if you cannot? Failing to think this circumstance through could leave your children vulnerable. When parents do not appoint a guardian, and if there is no next of kin able to take responsibility, the children become the ward of the state.
Of course, not all children who become wards of the state have trying, stressful childhoods. But neither is their childhood one that you would have given to your children, if you had a say in the matter.
Appointing a guardian in the case of your death is a good move for all parents to make. Particularly if you wish to appoint someone who is not your next of kin. This will require drafting up documents with your family lawyer.
- A last will and testament.
Outside of appointing guardians for your children, you will want to create a will that provides for your children. If your children are still minors, then you will need to name someone who can manage your property until your children come of age. Creating a document that makes sure all contingencies are met and taken care of is vital to protecting your children. Gallup News reported that the majority of Americans do not have a will. This can create a trying circumstance for the loved ones you leave behind. And it can mean your estate is tied up in legal proceedings, when the matter could have been simplified and clarified if you had only made it a priority.
Hiring a family law attorney is a move that will protect you, your partner, your children, and those you love. Set aside time to research lawyers referred to you by friends and family. Read reviews, and get personal testimonials. The attorney you hire will be someone you will need to count on during difficult moments in your family’s life. So the decision should be made with care.
Choosing someone now, before you are confronted with a crisis, is a wise move to make. One that you will be thankful you made when you need your family lawyer during a crucial moment.