6 Ways to Ensure Your Child’s Health No Matter What Season
The school year and winter months are commonly thought to be a time when children are at heightened risks for illnesses. But your child can also come down with various forms of viral infections, colds or flus during the summer months. The following are 6 tips to help ensure a healthy child no matter what season.
Establish a Good Medical Relationship
As a parent, you’re responsible for the wellness and care of your child the moment you find out that you’re pregnant. After your child is born, you’ll also need to schedule regular appointments with your pediatrician. This allows the medical professional to check their weight, height and other growing requirements. A physician is also instrumental if your child becomes ill. In case of emergencies, it’s also important to locate the nearest emergency room services or urgent care. If or when the time comes that your child is in need of any medical assistance, you’ll have access to the right care without hesitation. You can help promote a positive relationship by finding someone you and your child trust and feel comfortable working with.
Clean Hands, Healthier Bodies
Young kids are prone to viral infections such as molluscumcontagiosum. Because children learn about life from touch the instant that they are babies, they could come in contact with germs and bacteria along their learning journey. While you don’t want to turn your child into a neurotic germ-a-phoebe, a guide to molluscum contagiosum prevents the viral infection from spreading. Get in the practice of teaching your child to wash their hands after going to the washroom and before they eat. If they come in contact with other sick children, a child should also be diligent about cleaning with soapy, warm water. To ensure they wash long enough, encourage them to sing the “Happy Birthday” or “Alphabet” song as the lather. When done, they’re ready to rinse.
Get in a Routine
Children don’t quite understand the benefits of a routine. A child would be happy to eat at whim and stay up late no matter how tired they may be. It’s your job to make sure your children are on a routine schedule. This includes eating meals and snacks, sleeping, learning and play time. You also want to include a solid health routine with immunizations, dental visits and other preventative care.
Maintain Good Eating Habits
If you’re interested in getting your child to practice good eating habits as adults, you want to adopt a healthy diet early on. You’ll find a host of informational literature, videos and social media posts spouting the benefits of nutritional fare. While this can be an educational tool in getting your child to maintain good eating habits, you want to actually show them by modeling this excellent behavior. Your child looks up to you and relies on you to be a good role model. If you eat junk food and fill your home with processed and sugar laden treats, they’ll make poor choices. Stock your pantry and refrigerator with vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein. An occasional sweet treat is ok, but do so in moderation. Include your children in the food buying process. But you need to give them healthy choices to make. Instead of chips, show them the health benefits of eating an apple with peanut butter or a wedge of cheese and whole-grain crackers.
Put a Limit on Electronics
If you’re having a stressful day, and the children are equally restless, you may find placing them in front of the T.V. or other electronic devices easiest. But the stimulation could make it hard for them to fall asleep at night. Children need at least 11 hours of sleep nightly to help prevent infections, illnesses and diseases. The required rest also energizes their body to function and think properly. Limit the number of hours your child is in front of electronic devices each day. Promote outdoor activities instead such as biking, walking, baseball, swimming, basketball and soccer. Come up with your own fun games such as a water balloon toss or a scavenger hunt.
Excellent Oral Health is Equally Important
Routine medical visits are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your child’s health and wellness. You also want to find a dentist after your child’s first baby tooth comes through the gums. This practice puts them on an excellent oral health regimenof brushing, flossing and regular dentist visits. A healthy mouth also helps prevent infections, diseases and other illnesses from making your child sick.
Although your child may try to prove otherwise, kids are far from indestructible. As your child ventures out into the world, they may encounter, bruises, bumps colds and viruses along the way. You can do your part to keep your child healthy with the above 6 tips.
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