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Summer Management of Your Home Based Business



I cannot believe how fast each school year goes by. My children will be done with their daily school structure, and back at home running about in just a few weeks. So, I’m getting ready for the change in how I need to be able to work my business around my children during the upcoming months. This happens to me every summer, as it does with thousands of other home based business owners. So, just what IS a work at home mom to do?

This gets to be a creative time in managing work load with running to kid activities and extra outdoor playtime and at home time. And of course…. the kids are bored by the second week of summer vacation claiming there is “nothing” to do! Not to worry, there is always a solution to make things work and keep things on task with your home based business.

Here are some tips that have helped me keep on track during summer vacation:

1. Start the summer by having a family meeting. Explain to your children that your home based business is your job, and the money that comes in from you working helps to pay for things that your family needs. Reiterate that your office is in your home, and that is where you need to get your work done. And that while they will be able to have lots of fun this summer, you still have work and a business that you need to run.

2. Get up at least 1 hour earlier in the morning and focus only on your business. This gives you a sense of getting something accomplished before your children are up and ready to start their day. This will also help you feel less stressed in knowing that you have already have been able to get a few items scratched off your to do list.

3. Always take some work with you when going to activities as there is typically some down time. This is a great time to make to do lists, pay bills, write articles, make some phone calls, catch up on notes you need to write etc. Most all home based businesses have portable work – take advantage of this.

4. This is the perfect time to get your kids involved in your business. Let them help with mailings, filing, and other small tasks. Pay them a small fee for helping OR let them earn a special treat or day trip (i.e. movie, water park etc.)

5. Have quiet time each day for the kids. This is a time for them to do an activity such as reading, writing, doing puzzles, or napping if they are young enough. Nothing is wrong with kids having a bit of downtime during the day. This gives you some quiet work time. Visit some of our other websites;
( )  to print out 100’s of games, puzzles & activities to keep your kids busy this summer.

6. Get your husband on board to help. If possible, have him take some vacation days during the summer to allow you to have a good full day of work. He may also be able to take one of the children to his office a few times during the summer. Most kids think that is a fun trip. In the evening, let him be on kid patrol so you can grab an hour or two of work.

7. Don’t take on any new large or unnecessary projects during the summer. You will just get frustrated as your time is most likely more limited.

8. Sign the kids up for some free or inexpensive programs offered through your community or school district. They’ll have fun being with other kids their age while you can get a bit of a work day available to you.

For many of us work at home moms, things need to go along as usual. We don’t have a home based business that is “just for fun” or a hobby, and we need to keep our business going forward just like those moms who go to their job outside the home each day. We just have more flexibility on when and how we can get the work done. During the summer months, that flexibility needs to be utilized at full throttle!



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