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Successfully Juggling Family, Business and Yourself


The kids need to get to soccer and dance practice, the client needs her ad copy, and you haven’t even given a thought to what’s for dinner tonight. Sound familiar? This scenario plays out everyday in thousands of homes occupied by a creature called a WAHM (work at home mom). Each day women attempt to balance it all, and yes, many do succeed!

Don’t be fooled, balancing and juggling your life as a work at home mom is not easy. It takes work and tenacity in your commitment. It involves strategizing and the willingness to be flexible. In fact, flexibility is a must.


First of all, remember that your family is your top priority. The main reason most work at home moms are who they are is because they have placed their family and children as their number one priority and want to be home with them as opposed to working outside their home. Try to schedule your working hours and work load around what your family activities and commitments are. Seek out support from your children and husband. You’ll be surprised how your kids might actually enjoy being one of your worker bees. This also teaches them good work ethics by helping and watching what mom does in her business.

Even though your family is your top priority, you can set a few ground rules with them when it comes to your business. Start with a family meeting and explain to them what your goals are, while still being at home for them, putting them first. If you have a business, working at home and your family is counting on that income, they need to be reminded of this from time to time. This should help get some added cooperation when you need your own "business" time to get work done.

Set a schedule for your work hours, just as you would do if you were working outside the home. Granted, there will be times that you will need to be more flexible than other times, but if you can come up with a simple schedule you will have something to go by. You will find that you will get much more accomplished when using a schedule and setting specific hours that you will be working in your business. If you don’t have a schedule, it is too easy to drift in and out of your office for small bursts of time without being able to complete certain jobs. You end up spending most your energy just getting started yet again; each time you make a beeline into your office for just a few minutes to work.

Finally, be sure to leave some time for yourself. This is an area that most work at home moms tend to neglect. They spend all their time making sure their family and customers are happy, that they lose sight of what their needs are. Being good to yourself should not be considered a luxury, but a necessity. It is a must for your mind, body and soul. Try to take even just a few minutes a day to do something you love to do. It could be as simple as a walk, a bubble bath, or reading a magazine. Keep in touch with your friends and make time in your schedule to get together with them for a "girl’s only" lunch, dinner, or movie. Women need each other and we help to nurture each other’s souls.

You really can have it all by working at home as long as you remember to keep your priorities in check. It may not happen overnight, but in due time, if you stick to what your heart feels and what your mind knows, you will be a work at home mom who is happier and more pleasant for everyone to be around.



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