Glitches, Setbacks…..GRRRRRR
No one can say that working at home isn’t a challenge! Not only do you have the family’s schedule and needs to work around, but technology can REALLY stink at times!
There is nothing worse than having an unexpected outage of service that can throw off your entire day. Deadlines get tossed to the side, frustrations build, and you feel like you are taking two steps backward with your home business. This happened to me when our cable service went out last week. Even though I have a dial up that I can use at a back up…. it is SOOO slow compared to
cable. I couldn’t get as much done, it was taking forever to upload things and stay connected. I found myself more frustrated because of this. I finally had to just walk away and work on paperwork, which had been pushed to the side because there is always something else that "has to be done" online. Lesson learned.
We all need to embrace the glitches that can pop up. In stead of letting it effect our home based business in a negative way, use that "down time" to pay attention to another area of your business that doesn’t get the time that is probably deserves to get.
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