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mom at home contract


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 Being a work at home mom is what we have desired and chosen to be.   But if we aren't careful, we will lose sight of ourselves as we busily try to please those around us. So, we have created the Work at Home Mom Contract to be signed each year.  Print this out, sign it and hang it in your office.  But most importantly - live by it!

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I, ___________________, being of amaze.gif (2102 bytes)mind and body do solemnly

swear I will spend the next  365.gif (1386 bytes)  days  celebrate.gif (1579 bytes)   the fact  I am an

 incred.gif (1483 bytes)awesome.gif (1370 bytes) , and totally unique.gif (1391 bytes)  woman and mother.   I promise to smell lots of  wahmfl.gif (1435 bytes), treat myself, enjoy myself, do more to 

make myself happy.gif (2105 bytes)be excited, be alive, be  loud.gif (1799 bytes)

and  full of fun.gif (1501 bytes) !   I will spend more clock.gif (1416 bytes) with friends and family and do more to enjoy enjoy.gif (2256 bytes)each and every single day of my very  special.gif (1683 bytes) , wonderful, kid filled kidfilled.gif (2579 bytes), at  home mombeauti.gif (1798 bytes) life!


Signed by _____________________  as witnessed by ___________________

Dated ____________


Created by Moms Network -


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