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easter crafts


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Hen Hand Puppets

What you will need:
12 squares (12" each) of white felt, Black & Red
Watercolor Felt-tip Markers, Scissors, Fabric Glue.

Have your child place his/her hand on a piece of paper, spreading fingers apart. Trace around hand. Draw an additional 5/8" seam around the traced line. Draw a beak and chicken comb at the thumb. Use this pattern to cut out 24 felt shapes (you should get 2 per square) Glue 2 together to form a "glove" using a thin line of glue all around the edge. Let dry several hours to ensure seams are set. Use a black marker to make eyes and a red marker to make a comb on each hen.

Submitted by Jennifer Aston, One Stop Parties

Chocolate Easter Nests

1 8 oz. milk chocolate candy bar
1 4 oz. package german's sweet baking chocolate
2 cups crushed cornflakes
1 1/3 cups shredded coconut
miniature jelly beans

Melt milk chocolate and sweet chocolate in double boiler. Stir in cornflakes and coconut until completely coated with chocolate. Spoon small amount of mixture on waxed paper and form into nest shapes. Decorate with 3 jelly bean "eggs" in each nest. Refrigerate until set. Keep chilled. Arrange on a small plate or in a flat box for gift giving.

Submitted by Susan Searcy, Jafra Cosmetics

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