*Eye Dropper or Straws
*Wooden Clothes Pin
*Pipe Cleaner
Color small bowls of water with food coloring. Using an eye dropper or a
straw, scatter drops of colored water onto round coffee filters and
watch the colors bleed and blend. While the filters dry, draw eyes and
body details on wooden clothes pins. Gather each coffee filter up in the
center and clip with the clothes pin. Make antennae for each butterfly
by inserting a pipe cleaner into the end of the clothes pin and twisting
it secure. Bend the ends of the pipe cleaner to make it look
realistic.You can use tissue paper instead of coffee filters for a
multi-layered effect. Decorate with sequins and buttons.
Wave Jars
Baby food jar
Food Coloring
Vegetable Oil
Fill a baby food jar halfway with water and add two
or three drops of food coloring. Fill the jar to the top
with vegetable oil. Screw the lid on tightly. If necessary,
seal the lid with hot glue and allow it to cool. Shake the
wave jar back and forth to create waves.
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